

HFI Serves as a Connector

Home Forward Iowa has been up to some exciting work lately! We are currently working on multiple initiatives and are excited to be able to share a recent success story about one initiative.

One of HFI’s biggest roles is that of a connector. Much of HFI’s work involves engaging health, education, governmental, faith-based, and other entities serving those experiencing or at risk of homelessness, as well as shelters and housing provider agencies, and we seek to provide them with valuable support by connecting them to resources and to each other. This is exactly what happened recently through a collaboration with Amerigroup.

Earlier this year, Amerigroup Iowa Program Director John McCalley shared with HFI Executive Director Tim Wilson that Amerigroup needed contacts in a few communities in Iowa. Amerigroup was having trouble identifying partners in some areas of the state to manage one of their assistance services, a program which provides supportive housing services to members who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. In most of Iowa, Amerigroup has contracted with Community Action Programs (CAPs), but in a few communities, the CAPs did not feel they had the staff capacity to take on managing this program.

In Tim’s conversations with John, he learned about Amerigroup’s supportive housing services and how they assisted many Iowans facing homelessness, and he knew HFI could help. He began connecting John with service providers he believed would be capable of managing the assistance or who at least would know of such an agency in the community.

“Tim and HFI are among the most effective resources Amerigroup Iowa has as we strive to provide homelessness diversion and housing security to Amerigroup members who at risk throughout Iowa.”

John McCalley, Amerigroup Iowa Program Director

HFI’s connective role led to several important partnerships between Amerigroup and Iowa agencies, including the Muscatine Center for Social Action and the Clinton YMCA, and the result has been supportive housing services made available to housing-challenged Amerigroup members in areas not previously served.

“HFI, under Tim’s leadership, has been a fantastic bridge builder for the homeless population. With his tutelage, the Muscatine community can more clearly understand and utilize the homeless resources available. More people have been affected by housing issues during the pandemic, and this partnership will help us reach them more efficiently.”

Scott Dahlke, Executive Director of Muscatine Center for Social Action

This is just one example of the important work HFI is doing through serving as a connector. Connecting resources of all types needed by Iowans facing homelessness is key to building a true coordinated services system, and HFI sees such a system as a crucial part of solving homelessness in Iowa.